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Can Praxis is for
the Veterans, First Responders
...and their family members.

Can Praxis is the leading Equine-Assisted Therapy Provider for the Veteran and First Responder communities.

Watch the video below for a better understanding of what Operational Stress Inuries (OSI) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) really are.

We help Veterans, First Responders (serving and retired) and their Spouses/Partners/Family Members living with Operational Stress Injuries (OSI). 

A little about us and what we do...

Doctors now recognize that PTSD / OSI is a physical injury as well as psychological condition; using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), radiologists have demonstrated that the brain injury is visible. The irony is that in everyday life the injury is invisible and is often discounted. “You’re not in a wheel chair, so you’re not injured.”

Of course, the reality is that the daily life of one with PTSD / OSI is in many ways turned upside down: reliving trauma while awake and nightmares while asleep cause anxiety, racing heart or sweating. People with PTSD / OSI avoid places, events or anything thing that reminds them of the trauma. They are easily startled. Depression, suicidal tendencies, hyper-vigilance are normal features of PTSD.  So, too, are crisis and conflict.  Marriage and family relationships suffer greatly.

Can Praxis is designed for Veterans/First Responders diagnosed with PTSD/OSI and their Spouse/Partner/Family Members. It provides an intense nine day program, divided into three phases each of which is three days long.


According to the 2017 Veteran Suicide Mortality Study published by VAC, 40% of young male Veteran's deaths were due to suicide (a 2.4 times higher risk than the general Canadian population).



Suicide is a critical public health concern, and the vast majority of First Responders have little to no support for mental health treatment.

*Serving AND retired



Spouses and family members of the injured are negatively impacted by OSI.

Some words on our program

Some stats to think about


Percentil is self reported

Phase 1

1000+ HELPED

Can Praxis has helped over 1000 participants so far

StockCake-Horse Silhouette Leap_1729558852


All 10 Provinces and our 3 Territories are served

Image of Veterans and First Responders standing together with #StrongerTogether


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Can Praxis