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Frequently Asked Questions
. . . And Some Answers

Who We Are & What We Do

Can Praxis EAL is a Canadian registered, Vetaran led and Professionaly Facilitated Charity.

We provide mental health recovery programs for Canadian Veterans and First Responders (serving and retired) living with an Operational Stress Injury (OSI), such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and their Spouses/Partners/Family Members.

We incorporate equine therapy into our programs because horses understand us and can teach us about ourselves. Horses are experts at reading body language and pick up on all the non-verbal cues we bring to an interaction.

Founded in 2013 by a Canadian Military Veteran and a Trauma-focused clinician, Can Praxis is the leading Equine-Assisted Therapy provider for the Veteran and First Responder communities.

What Is Three Sisters Camp?

Three Sisters legends are present in many cultures throughout history. Sisters who help each other stay fed, hydrated and strong on their journeys. North American indigenous legends speak of sisters that should be celebrated together. Greek mythology places three sisters safely in the sky as the three bright stars of Orion’s belt.

The Three Sisters Camp will be facilitated by a trauma informed psychologist, experienced in working with the Veteran community, a serving Veteran and an experienced Horsewoman. It is designed as a safe peer supported environment where women Veterans can feel grounded through experiential learning leading to self-discovery and renewal of hope. Participants will start their days with yoga and mindfulness then continue with exercises, some including interactions with horses, to gain an understanding of emotional regulation and additional methods of overcoming an OSI. The days will end with fireside reflection, all in support of personal renewal within a supportive community of peers.

Who Is Can Praxis For?

Can Praxis is designed for Veterans/First Responders diagnosed with PTSD/OSI and their spouse/partner/family member.

The Injury & The Injured

Doctors now recognize that PTSD / OSI is a physical injury as well as psychological condition; using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), radiologists have demonstrated that the brain injury is visible. The irony is that in everyday life the injury is invisible and is often discounted. “You’re not in a wheel chair, so you’re not injured.”

Of course, the reality is that the daily life of one with PTSD / OSI is in many ways turned upside down: reliving trauma while awake and nightmares while asleep cause anxiety, racing heart or sweating. People with PTSD / OSI avoid places, events or anything thing that reminds them of the trauma. They are easily startled. Depression, suicidal tendencies, hyper-vigilance are normal features of PTSD.  So, too, are crisis and conflict.  Marriage and family relationships suffer greatly.

Spouses/Partners/Family Members

Are spouses and family members be effected by the veterans’ PTSD? Spouses attending Can Praxis report that they also experience symptoms of PTSD. This is known as secondary PTSD. As the saying goes, ‘If you’re standing next to a puddle and someone throws a rock in, everyone gets splashed.’  So, spouses and children are often anxious, hyper-vigilant and experience other difficulties too. At Can Praxis, it becomes clear that the spouses are absolutely vital to the recovery of the veterans and that the spouses’ needs are of equal importance to the veterans’ needs.

How Does This Work?
Can Praxis: Three Phases in Nine Days
Phase I

Attended by up to 6 couples, veterans and spouses (or close family member). Spouses are equal, always.

The content is divided between:

1) A critically acclaimed mediation practice designed to promote the resolution of conflict between spouses

2) Equine Assisted Learning is a federally recognized equine discipline. Horses are animals of prey; they instinctively assess if other animals or people are friend or foe. The comfort level of the horse, as demonstrated by its body language, provides participants with instant and accurate feedback about themselves. The horse’s behavior is an invitation to have a conversation. Participants walk alongside the horse and do not ride. 

Phase I is run from a private facility near Red Deer, AB.

Phase II

Attended by up to 10 veterans or 10 spouses who have attended Phase I (participants attend without their spouse; this provides opportunities to know others who are in a very similar situation and develop a nationwide network of support). Participants can attend Phase II months or years after attending Phase I.

Participants spend three days in central Alberta with an established and experienced horse outfitter, learning to ride and care for horses in a private, relaxed ranch setting. A debriefing by the camp fire each evening with facilitators are times to recall lessons learned on Phase I and discuss how to continue using accumulated knowledge and experience. These three days are also an opportunity to understand, and be understood by, peers from all over Canada. Accommodation consists of small, basic but comfortable cabins for three people.

Phase III

Attended by up to 6 couples, veterans and spouses (or close family member) who are sufficiently stable in their relationship to achieve three days in the wilderness without disruptive conflict.

Conflict & Crisis

Couples who suffer the effects of PTSD /OSI experience increased crisis and conflict. All activities at Can Praxis are designed to reduce conflict and crisis by increasing couples’ ability to manage them with a proven, practical strategy.

In Summary

Couples living with the effects of PTSD / OSI face conflict and crisis as well as the usual psychological symptoms. At Can Praxis, participants learn, or re-learn, how to resolve conflict and crisis in a strategic, effective manner. They leave with helpful knowledge useful experience which provide realistic hope.

Can You Attend From Outside Of Canada?
International Enquiries

Individuals from the US, the UK, Australia and Israel have requested consultation from Can Praxis.

Do You Have Social Media?
Social Media

A private Facebook page has been made for alumni as a means to provide sustainable peer support across the country. Previous participants connect and support each other in helpful, positive ways.

How Can I Help?

You can help by Donating Here, and by letting others know about us!

You can also go check out and purchase some of Our Apparel!

For Media Enquireies

In addition to being reported in academic journals, Can Praxis has received significant interest from the Canadian media (newspapers, magazines, local and national TV) and is the subject of a chapter in a recently published book Field Exercises: How veterans are healing themselves through farming and outdoor activities by Stephanie Westlund Ph. D.

Can Praxis